Python: how to start python.

Python: how to start python.

Hey ,

If you are looking forward for learning coding,You should start with some language.

As I am a learner , I started with Python.

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language widely used for its simplicity and flexibility. It has become a top-choice for developers and learners alike as it is easy to read and write, making the coding process faster and more efficient.

As Python has a vast array of applications, including web development, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, game development, and internet scripting, just to name a few.

-≥ start with the basic.

Basic of python to learn:

  1. Syntax and Basic Data Types: Familiarize yourself with Python's syntax rules, data types.

  2. Data type: such as integers, floats, strings, lists, dictionaries, variables, and basic operations (arithmetic, comparisons, logical operators).

  3. Data Structures: Study Python's built-in data structures like lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets. Learn their properties, operations, and when to use each one.

  4. Operators: learn operator (+,-,*,/,//,%)

  5. loops: Learn how to use if statements, loops (for and while loops), break and continue.

  6. conditional expressions : as python has conditional statements (if,elif,esle)

  7. Functional Programming: Get acquainted with functional programming concepts in Python, including higher-order functions, lambda functions, map, filter, and reduce functions.

Features of python :

  1. Easy to Read and Write

  2. Dynamically Typed

  3. Object-Oriented Programming

  4. Extensive Standard Library

  5. Cross-Platform Compatibility

  6. Interpreted Language

  7. Scalability and Integrating

In conclusion, Python is an excellent programming language. Its ease of use, extensive libraries, active community, and broad applications make it a worthy language to learn and master.